You've been asked to complete a Video Q&A. How exciting! This interview type is becoming more common in hiring processes and are also known as asynchronous interviews. It's a great way for employers to get a sense of who you are before speaking with you on the phone or in person. These interviews can be intimidating, but we've outlined some tips and tricks to help impress your potential employer and make a lasting impression. ✨

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What is a Video Q&A?

A Video Q&A / Asynchronous Interview is a style of interview which allows candidates to record themselves answering a number of questions set by the employer. The questions asked during an interview can vary depending on what the hiring manager is looking to assess. Generally speaking, they are likely to ask questions to learn more about you on a personal level, as well as gauge your interest in the role and the organisation. This is a great opportunity for you to make an impact! Employers also use interviews as a popular method to determine how well you would fit into the company culture. Check out an example Video Q&A through VideoAsk below.

Top Tips!

→ When preparing to conduct a video Q&A, it's important to carefully choose your recording space. Ensure that you have a quiet spot to record in where you can avoid potential interruptions. It's also essential to carefully read the questions set by the employer so that you can give the best response and avoid being caught off guard. Additionally, you'll be informed of how long you have to respond to each question (e.g., 2 minutes), so keep this in mind when recording your answers.

→ This type of interview usually takes place at the beginning of the recruitment process. It's important to prepare for general questions about the organisation and team before answering specific questions. They will want to know that you have researched who they are and what they do, so be prepared to answer questions about this. Additionally, make sure to familiarise yourself with the job description so you know what is expected of you in the role and what relevant experience and skills you can bring to it.

→ You want to show the employer that you'd be an asset to the team, so take this opportunity to showcase your personality! Whilst speaking to a camera can be daunting, try to keep a professional mindset going into it; body language is key! 55% of communication is based on what others see, so make sure you're maintaining eye contact with the camera and confidence through your answers. Another benefit to a Q&A is that it's not live, so practise speaking to a camera beforehand to get yourself familiar with it. 🚀

Do’s and Don’ts

✅ Do’s

❎ Don’ts