One of the new norms nowadays is video conferencing, with Microsoft Teams and Zoom being a popular choice. This means that video interviews have become far more common, and perhaps even a prerequisite in any interview process now. Below are some useful pointers to keep in mind.

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What is a Video Interview?

Video interviews are slightly different from Video Q&As because you will be talking to a person during the interview process. When preparing for a Video Interview, remember to do everything you would do for a Face2Face interview since you won't always have the possibility to redo your responses.

Top Tips!

→ Like any other interview process, you must prep for your interview! Which means doing research on the organisation, as well as the team you’ll potentially be joining. Truly understanding what the team does and finding things to mention throughout your interview on how you’ll be a great addition is super important.

Prepare questions to ask the interviewer. I know, I know... we keep on mentioning this everywhere, for every interview process, but it is truly very important because it shows that you are genuinely interested in knowing more about the company. So remember, don't ask questions about your wages/salary, perks or holiday!

→ Although you will be on a video call with the interviewer you can use not being there in person to your advantage. What we mean by this is that you can have some notes or prompts to help you in case you get stuck at some point. This will also make you feel more at ease, knowing you can look over your screen camera to the back wall with your notes!

→ Before your interview, make sure to practice and check the lighting of the location where you'll be sitting. You don't want to be frantically trying to sort these issues out on the day of the video interview, so test them out ahead of time to save yourself from any additional stress!

Keep calm and have fun with it. Doing an interview over a video call can be nerve-racking because you don't have the benefit of seeing the interviewer's full body language, making it difficult to read them. However, don't worry. Take your time to answer the questions. There is no need to rush or feel overwhelmed by it all.

→ A Video Interview can be quite temperamental, especially on the day - because the universe likes sending unwanted surprises on important days! So, if you're having issues with your connection/internet be honest, we have all been there!

Dress the part! Just because you're on a video call doesn't mean you should look scruffy! Make sure to (at least...) dress up your top half in interview-appropriate clothing!

Do's & Don'ts

✅ Do's

❎ Don'ts

How to Ace Your Video Interview

Career coach Ashlee Anderson helps you ace your next video interview

Career coach Ashlee Anderson helps you ace your next video interview