Although this interview process means you won't be seen by the interviewer, it doesn't necessarily mean it will be any easier. In fact, it can be more difficult since you cannot use your body language to your advantage. The following tips below might be able to help you when preparing ☎️

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What is a Telephone Interview?

Telephone interviews tend to be short and to the point, as they are usually used at the beginning of the interview process. Because of this, it's important to do well! Typically, this type of interview is used to get to know you as a person and to understand why you're interested in the position.

Top Tips!

You will not receive a call from a company out of the blue. Therefore, just like any other interview process, you must do your due diligence and prepare yourself the best you can.

Do your research. Like any interview process, it's important to thoroughly understand the job spec and to research the organisation. This way, you'll be prepared to answer potential questions and confidently discuss the team and service you could be joining.

→ It is super important to have your CV to hand during the interview. It's highly likely that the interviewer will have a copy of your CV and will ask you questions based on the information provided. Having your CV at hand allows you to quickly refer to it if needed.

Before your telephone interview, it would be worth highlighting areas you'd like to mention/talk about to the interviewer which will paint you in a positive light.

→ Prepare questions to ask at the end. Like any other interview type, asking questions is always beneficial because it shows you are engaged and interested. Make sure to prep some questions to ask at the end of your call or take notes of anything you're interested in learning more about while on the call.

Take advantage of not being seen. Before your phone call, prepare your interview area and have a notepad to jot notes or questions down, this will be super helpful because you'll be able to refer back to it.

→ Although this may sound weird, you should smile - trust me ****it works! If you smile during your phone call you're instantly manifesting those feelings by allowing yourself to feel positive. It will boost your mood and bring your stress levels down, especially if you're nervous!

This positivity will definitely be felt (and heard) on the other side of the phone!

Treat this interview as if it were any other. Assuming that this stage is not as important as any other interview process would be silly... Make sure to put effort into your telephone interview because it could be what gets you through to the next stage.

Do's and Don'ts

✅ Do’s

❎ Dont’s