Interviews can be daunting, especially face-to-face interviews. That's why we've put together a short guide to help you ace this step and move on to the next in the process. 🚀

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What is a Face-to-Face Interview?

As one can imagine, the Face-to-Face interview process is carried out in person. This means that you need to prepare yourself to a high standard to avoid any possible mistakes, as well as present yourself in a professional manner. First impressions always count and they leave a lasting imprint on the mind of the person you've just met. Therefore, it is important to look presentable, be confident (or at least fake it until you make it), and most importantly, be prepared.

Study conducted by Bryan Swider and colleagues at Scheller College of Business

Top Tips!

→ Research the organisation and team you are going to interview for! ****Go into the interview fully prepared for any questioning around what they do and how you’ll make an impact. Knowing this will give you major kudos points and will set you apart from those who don't.

→ Understand the job description and link/relate past achievements to certain criteria. ****Having a good in-depth understanding of the Job Description is crucial as it allows you to pluck out areas that you want to show-off about yourself. For example, in the soft/hard skills section you can choose 3 to focus on in order to give clear examples of when you used them.

→ You want to make sure you're fully prepared for any question that comes your way, so have a think about some responses for the classic interview questions. It can be easy to get caught up in all the technical stuff and completely forget about the most standard questions that might be asked in an interview. For example, your strengths and weaknesses, where you see yourself in X years and why you think you are the right person for the role.

→ Practice, practice, PRACTICE! Once you have completed your research and decided which information to include in your interview, it is helpful to create an outline of what to mention and how to word it. A great way to do this is by practicing answers to possible questions. Practicing in advance will prevent your mind from going blank when asked simple questions during the actual interview. It also gives you an opportunity to improve your body language. Did you know that face-to-face communication is less than 35% verbal? YYou don't want to slouch, but you also don't want to appear or come across as overly cocky. It's best to practice in front of a mirror or by recording yourself on camera.

→ Make a list of questions to ask the interviewer. You've reached the end of the interview and they ask "have you got any questions for us?". YES. This is your time to shine even more and come at them with the prepared, intelligent and thought out questions. Asking questions at the end on an interview is super important and should always be done! However, don't jump straight in with questions around pay rate or perks - these are important questions, but you want to show you're interested in the company, rather than just the benefits. That's not to say don't ask them; these questions are best placed towards the end, for example, if the employer asks if there is anything else you'd like to know more about. This will show great initiative and will suggest to the employer you were listening and engrossed in the conversation! Here are some examples:

→ Check where your interview will take place & time your route. This may seem like a no brainer but leaving this point until the day of your interview will only cause you stress and unnecessary sweat! Make sure to have the location of your interview in advance so you can time your commute and the route you'll take.

Do's & Don'ts